Federation of Historic
Motoring Clubs SA Inc

About Us

The "Federation" in its various titles has been serving the interests of historic motorists in South Australia since 1971.



Starting with five foundation members, it now boasts more than a hundred and sixty member clubs from all areas of the State.

Meetings are held every two months, at the Combined Car Club's rooms at Clark Ave Glandore, starting at 2:00pm (See Meetings for List of Dates). Only nominated Club Representatives are permitted to vote and put motions at these meeting, but any interested club member who wishes may attend as a visitor and be sure of a warm welcome.

In 1991, the Federation successfully lobbied the government of the day for special registration for historic vehicles and in February 1992, Conditional Registration for Historic Vehicles was introduced. The introduction of the Log Book Scheme in 1998 has played a major role in restoration, preservation of Historic Vehicles in this state, a scheme that was for many years the envy of other states. The Federation has an ongoing role in the administration of an updated scheme called "Conditional Registration Scheme for Historic, Individually Constructed, Left-Hand Drive and Street Rod Vehicles" and arranges the printing and sale of the logbooks required by owners of historically registered vehicles.  If your club is not affiliated with the Federation, enquiries should be made to the Secretary.  The main criterion is for your Constitution has a clause in its objectives which states that your club promotes the restoration and preservation of vehicles of your interest.

Please see our Constitution HereConstitution of Federation 

Since 2001, when a tour to Canberra was organised to participate in Australia's Centenary of Federation celebrations, the Federation has organised a series of "Meet the Club Tours" around South Australia with members of clubs utilising their Historic Vehicles exclusively. The first of which went to the West Coast in 2003, meeting and socialising with Federation Member Clubs, along the way. This format continued every two years additionally visiting the South East, Mid North and Riverland. The Federation has re-visited most areas of the state over the past years.  The most recent tour has been the "South-East Safari" completed in May 2024.  

The Federation's mailing address is
PO Box 703 Plympton SA 5038
or email secretary@fhmcsa.org.au

About Us

The "Federation" in its various titles has been serving the interests of historic motorists in South Australia since 1971. Starting with five foundation members, it now boasts more than a hundred member clubs from all areas of the State.

Contact Us

Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs SA Inc.

PO Box 703 Plympton SA 5038

Phone: 0417 847 944

Email: secretary@fhmcsa.org.au
