Q: “Extension” on Conditional Registration, is that automatic or does the owner have to request it?
This allows the vehicle to be moved 500m for the purpose of relocating the vehicle from one part of a property to another or enabling another vehicle to gain access to a road or property.
A: The extension is granted automatically as part of the registration process.
Who Can Drive a Conditional Historic Registered Vehicle
Q: Do you have to be a Member of the Club to drive a vehicle on conditional registration.
A: No, any person who holds a valid current licence for that type of vehicle can operate it.
Multiple Drivers
Q: If you change drivers during the day does the new driver have to sign the Logbook
A: No, a single entry for that date is all that is required.
Buses on Club Registration
Q: What criteria do they have to meet if
Vehicle is in original form
A: If vehicle has 13 or more seats they will need to have an annual bus inspection. This is regardless of use.
Vehicle has been converted to a mobile home.
A: Modified to be motorhomes they would need a seating inspection where seating numbers have changed and a new seating plate is then fitted. Vehicle would then be registered as caravan vehicle with no other inspection requirements.”
Historic Vehicles converted to electric motive power.
Q: Is a 25 year old vehicle still eligible for Club Registration if converted to electric motive power?
A: Conversion of a vehicle from a petrol/diesel engine to electric, does not disqualify a vehicle from current arrangements under the Scheme as it does not change the age of the vehicle.
Therefore, a vehicle that has been converted to electric is still able to be registered as a historic or left-hand drive vehicle under the Scheme, providing it meets the definitions as outlined in the Code of Practice.
However, like any engine change, the Department must still be notified to enable the records of the vehicle to be updated.
This can be done by submitting a MR7 – Application to Alter Vehicle or Trailer Details to a Service SA Customer Service Centre.
MR334 Forms
Q: Who supplies the MR334 Pads
A: Pads are available only from DIT and must be ordered in writing on club letterhead with Authorised Officers full details Address details are
Plate Administration
GPO Box 1533
Adelaide SA 5001
Or the letter can attached to an email (.pdf format) email address is
Changing "Information about the Owner and the Vehicle” in a Logbook
Q: Can I change the "Information about the Owner and the Vehicle” Page in the Logbook OR do I have to issue a new book?
A: Following Details can be changed
Residential Address
Engine Number
Registration Plate Number
Ensure that the owner has notified ServiceSA (DIT) of the changes and is in possession of an amended Certificate of Registration before amending Log Book Details.
Log Books
Vehicle going onto scheme for First Time
Two criteria must be met.
- Was an MR334 issued by your Club. – Sight your Club Copy or confirm with Club’s Authorised Person
- Is the person a Financial Member of your Club? - If in doubt ask for proof of currency of membership.
Cancelled Book
A Log Book needs to Cancelled for the following reasons
- Vehicle has been Sold
- Owner has “resigned” from club
- Vehicle has been transferred to another Club
- Registration Cancelled or reverted to full registration
In all of the above cases the club is not required to notify DIT.
To cancel a Log Book either rule out or cut out unused pages.
The owner should retain the cancelled Log Book for at least 60 days after the date of last entry.
Vehicle Transferring from another Club
Current Log Book New member has a Current Log Book issued by other Club and wants to have a Log Book issued by your Club – Log Books are not transferable.
- Old Log Book must be cancelled by issuing Club (If there are extenuating circumstances that make this difficult contact the Federation)
- Cancelled Book presented to New Club’s Registrar – proof of cancellation.
- Is the person a Financial Member of your Club? - If in doubt ask for proof of currency of membership. so the vehicle can be "moved" from the Old Club to the New Club
- New Log Book issued
Member Wishes to change clubs at end of Club Year. New member's membership of Old Club is due to expire e.g. 30th June and they want to change over at that point.
- Authorisation Officer verifies vehicle and issues new MR334 – even if vehicle is registered the owner must lodge the new MR334 with Service SA or DIT so the vehicle can be "moved" from the Old Club to the New Club
- New Log issued with commencement date later than the expiry date of the membership of the old club e.g. 1st of July Note: This book is not valid until that date.
- Imperative that new member advises his old club that he is not renewing his membership.
- The following is a comment on the procedure by DIT on a member changing to another Recognised vehicle club.
The scheme relies on the vehicle owner being a financial member of a recognised vehicle club. Where a vehicle owner moves clubs, a new MR334 is to be completed by the new club and then presented to ServiceSA. This is to confirm the vehicle owner is a financial member and nominating the vehicle to use the Scheme.
System-wise, ServiceSA must cancel the existing registration which is affiliated with the old club and take out a new registration nominating the new club which the vehicle owner is now a financial member. This is done by completing a new MR1 form at a ServiceSA branch. DIT advises that their system does not allow a vehicle that is currently nominated for the Scheme to change the vehicle club the owner is now a member of other than by processing a new MR1 for the owner.
Expired Log Book New member has an expired Log Book issued by other Club wants to have a Log Book issued by your Club
- Expired Book presented to New Club’s Registrar.
- Is the person a Financial Member of your Club? - If in doubt ask for proof of currency of membership.
- Authorisation Officer verifies vehicle and issues new MR334 – even if vehicle is registered the owner must lodge the new MR334 with Service SA so the vehicle can be "moved" from the Old Club to the New Club
- New Log Book issued
- Ensure member notifies old club that he has changed clubs.
Member Has Lost Their Log Book.
Member must provide the club a Statutory Declaration detailing the Log Books loss or destruction (Clause 2.28 Pge. 11 of the Code)
Un-Financial Member
When a member becomes un-financial, they no longer meet one of the criteria for Conditional Historic Registration and the Club must notify DIT in writing on Club letterhead within two months after the end of the Club’s financial year (Clause 2.31 Pge. 12 of the Code) and include
- Vehicle Registration
- Owner[s] Name
- Address
- If available Owner’s Client Number (On registration Papers & Driver’s Licence)
Who can validate a Log Book
Log Book Validation Person, the role of this person is to validate the Log Book each membership year. The Log Book currently uses the wording “Authorisation Officer” (which will be changed to Club Validation Officer at next batch printed) this has no connection to a club’s “Authorised Person” as defined in the code. The club is not required to notify DIT or the Federation of the appointments but need to minute the appointments.
Unregistered Vehicle permit for a LHD vehicles
DIT has updated policy to allow for a Unregistered Vehicle permit for a LHD vehicle which has a single trip exemption for the purpose of repairs.
The exemption must be issued first and Vehicle Standards staff will need to be satisfied it is going to an actual mechanic’s shop not a private home, then an Unregistered Vehicle permit can be issued to drive the vehicle there and back.